Yard Signs
One time advertising that doesn’t gather much business can be replaced by hard working and versatile yard / lawn signs. Custom printed lawn signs will promote your message at an affordable price. Cost per lead generated goes down as long as they are on display! Yard signs or lawn signs, depending on how you call it, are portable. We even have corrugated plastic signs. You can even try different locations to get the most response for your investment.
Your clients have seen yard signs, lawn signs or, “Bandit Signs” in use by others (probably their more successful competitors) businesses.
Typically you’ll find them at busy intersections or in the lawns of loyal customers. Lawn signs can be colorful or simple but they’ll always promote a client’s business, cause or event. We have clients that buy their political signs, real estate signs and their custom car magnets from us. They’ve certainly got time to read your yard sign while waiting for the stoplight to change. What are the odds they will even find your ad on the television, radio, Internet or in a phone book? Can you drive by a sign and resist the urge to see what it says? That’s something that can’t be said about any electronic media.
Yard Signs
Yard and lawn signs reach potential clients while they’re on the move during their morning commute or visiting the corners store, stopped at a red light or enjoying the scenery. Your yard signs are going to get noticed. Done right, lawn signs are remembered. Build up your top of mind awareness right in the community you serve. Stop paying premiums to reach those who aren’t likely to do business with you. Use lawn signs.